The modular application framework for JavaFX based on:
OSGi: OSGi is the de facto standard for writing modular software in Java.
Maven (POM-first): Drombler FX applications can be build with Maven. The build follows the standard POM-first approach (the OSGi meta data will be generated for you). A custom Maven Plugin will help you to easily create JavaFX applications with Maven. A custom Maven Archetype will help you to get started.
Declarative programming model: Annotations can be used at many places to register elements such as menus, toolbars and GUI components.
Drombler ACP: Drombler FX is a JavaFX specific extension for Drombler ACP providing JavaFX-based implementations for the abstract definitions. Read more about Drombler ACP here: Drombler ACP
Drombler Commons: Drombler Commons is a collection of reusable libraries and frameworks. They ship with OSGi meta data but don’t require an OSGi environment. Read more about Drombler Commons here: Drombler Commons
Drombler FX uses Apache Felix as its OSGi container by default.
As an application framework it makes sure JavaFX and OSGi will get started properly and it provides the main window.
This documentation only includes the JavaFX specific extensions for Drombler ACP. Check the documentation of DocumentationDrombler ACP and Drombler Commons for further information.
Authors and Contributors
Contributions are highly welcome. Please have a look at the how to contribute page for more information.
- Florian Brunner (@puce77)
Support or Contact
Check out the documentation at or ask questions at StackOverflow using the drombler-fx tag.