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Open Source projects maintained by Drombler

How to Contribute

This page describes how to contribute to the Drombler Open Source projects.

Contributor License Agreement (CLA)

To become a contributor you first need to sign the Drombler CLA (Contributor License Agreement).

You need to sign this CLA once for every rights owner (e.g. if you change your employer or if you contribute as an individual).
A signed CLA is valid for all contributions of one rights owner, however.
It doesn’t have to be signed for every single commit/ pull request again.


Find an interesting issue (or file one yourself) you would like to work on. Best contact us first, e.g. by commenting on that issue. This helps us to reduce duplicated work, gives us the chance to give you some hints and thus increases the likelihood that your pull request will be accepted. Please note that we can only accept high quality pull requests.


Testing is an important part of the software development process. Help us to stabilize the frameworks, libraries and APIs! File issues if you find bugs or enhancement requests.


The frameworks and libraries contain text messages, which can be shown to users. Help us to translate them into additional languages! Best contact us first, e.g. by commenting on the according issue or file an issue if there isn’t any for the language you would like to work on. This helps us to reduce duplicated work and gives us the chance to give you some hints.


Developing software requires a lot of resources. If you like our Open Source efforts and would like to support us financially, please use one of the options below:

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