Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name GroupId ArtifactId Version Packaging Description
Drombler Commons - Action - Core org.drombler.commons drombler-commons-action-core 0.8 bundle The core classes of the Action Framework.
Drombler Commons - Action - Command org.drombler.commons drombler-commons-action-command 0.8 bundle Common command classes for the Action Framework.
Drombler Commons - Action - FX org.drombler.commons drombler-commons-action-fx 0.8 bundle The JavaFX specific classes of the Action Framework.
Drombler Commons - Action org.drombler.commons drombler-commons-action 0.8 pom An Action Framework, which keeps the state (enabled/ disabled, selected/ unselected etc.), the information (texts, image etc.) and the logic between menu items and toolbar buttons in sync.